
First and foremost , today I'm so happy because the problems between my friends has been settled down in positive way , Alhamdulilah , God is Great. I hope there will be no other problems between us, as this year is our last year , we thought of making it colourful , harmony and less problems. 

As my friends and I were discussing about our problems , I realized that life can be quite amusing but tricky. There will be a lot of misunderstanding , and lack of satisfaction towards their attitude or behaviour. That's normal thing , I also am like that , but I tend not to show in front of them , because I know , people are fragile and easily hurt . There are times we try to hold our voice to against theirs opinions/attitude, especially us girls ,well-- most of them , rather keep it inside just for the sake of friend's feeling. I know , but in my frank opinion , we had had to let it out , just tell it straight out. It is better to me. As we were somewhat kind of arguing, I smiled . I had to ask myself thousand times , why did I laugh upon this matter? It is glee-ish and ticklish ? Humor doesn't grew themselves , but some people stated that "the more serious , the more humor you can get." Humor in what way ? It is because we are still growing up, trying to learn and able notice our weaknesses ? I couldn't stop laughing. These are part of life , my mother said. Once we knew the implications of doing so( keep the feeling inside much longer isn't good, okay folks), we have to try to avoid it , though it is harder than the rock. 

Everyone has weaknesses , either me too. I have dreadful weaknesses too , just like yours . There are quite of few times I could not hold it; and burst out and boom ! Emotions control everything. Rational thoughts has been forgotten and suddenly everything went wrong and yes-- regrets had come and haunt us. I told them what I've felt , although they might took it way too solemnly. Anyway , Alhamdulilah , the discussion went great and amazing because we forgave each other and continue befriend back altogether . I love you guys and I am sorry for hurting you by my words , well-- I'm just a  human , remember ? Escape from doing mistakes is impossible and never will be ; I hope next time , we all can compromise and become more mature in the future :)

Peace be upon you :)